The Polecat's Tale.
By Demanding Urge.
My tale starts before I was born, in a southwest
desert. In 1947 an elusive visitor crash site was
found to contain a number of artifacts, one of which
was a fabric resembling aluminum foil yet manifesting
extraordinary properties. It was very lightweight and
could be crumpled easily into a ball, then
consistently returned to its exact shape with no signs
of deformation when pressure was relaxed upon it. The
silvery metallic fabric was tear resistant to the
extreme as far as our science was concerned.
Micro-pores allowed passage of air and water through
the silvery foil. Electrical energy was conducted
across but not through the foil, and a wide spectrum
of radiation was blocked out totally. A veil of
military secrecy sucked up the crash site artifacts,
the silvery fabric among them.
Meggan's my name, and I'm an army brat. You know
military parents, reserve officer training, military
schools, and all that. I am skinny and have brown hair
and eyes, and too tall for most guys at nearly six
feet. All my life I have lived with the weird and
complex problems of being female in a male dominated
military, so don't expect me to conform necessarily to
any particular idea of yours, got it? My parents are
both military, which is a lot better than if they were
lawyers-lawyers are so pushy- anyway, I was recruited
for Military Intelligence- that's always struck me as
a contradiction in terms-and after a lot of
preparation to groom me for the task, initiated to a
black project. There was a long ride into the desert
and then onto a nameless base. Deep below, hundreds of
feet down in the granite bedrock were a warren of
galleries set in layers between huge spherical caverns
dug to absorb shock waves. The spiraling tunnel
pierced through they horizontal galleries. After
walking my legs off while envying the electric
runabouts, you can imagine my surprise when along with
a promotion to captain I was given a strange metallic
black suit with a white stripe. Let me tell you it
seemed to weigh darn near nothing. It also felt a bit
like silk, but colder. It was a matter of extreme
urgency and demanded my total dedication, I was told.
So I put the silly damn thing on. Well, what can I say
but it was a skunk costume. It slid very smoothly over
my naked skin and had a tail and hood. Only a portion
of my face showed. As I was examining my comic
reflection in a mirror, I noticed the suit was
conforming to my body very tightly. The neck hole
through which I slid myself had grown snug about my
throat. Like mercury, the costume slid me into an
intimate embrace, like a second skin. My efforts to
peel back the costume from the edge of my face was
futile, there was some sort of fused join, I couldn't
find the seam between skin and suit. Friggin' wanker
army- never volunteer! Bitching and cursing, I found
no way to get the skunk costume off. My Microtech
tactical folder lay with my uniform. Upon retrieving
it, I slashed at the fabric but the edge slid like ice
on greased glass---nor could I thrust the point into
the fabric. A booming voice of command spun me about
and to attention. It was a tall man in a bear suit, "
Welcome to the ranks of the Permanently Costumed,
Captain. I am Major Milo and your costumed ass now
belongs to me. You have the privilege in being a part
of the most effective counter-terrorist team ever
assembled." I had always some doubts as to the sanity
of the army brass, now my worst fears were confirmed-
the idiots really did not know what the hell they were
doing. How did we stop terrorists? Make them laugh to
death? My fears thrashed at my soul with pick axes of
ice as I beheld entire formations of costume animals
precision marching in the underground parade grounds-
there were hundreds of animal costumes marching in
formation. Had the whole army flipped? Were they
running more clandestine LSD experiments? And I felt I
was falling into their trip, drowning into a tide of
lunacy possible only in the service. The cavern was
huge, I had never heard of such a massive deep buried
training center. The fact that it was run by lunatics
did not surprise me anymore. I passed with the major
into the induction center and left my life behind like
the skin of a snake whose time to shed had come. With
a remote leaden feeling, I left my old life behind and
was born into the ranks of the Permanently Costumed.
At least I would be with others-similarly garbed
forever. A whirlpool of training wound an endless
loop. The costume felt more like camouflage in a Walt
Disney movie. Then my first order came- Dubbed a
rather dubious "Operation Olympic" which I suppose was
another Military Intelligence ploy, I infiltrated as
an athlete. Evidently the rules did not cover the
permanently costumed. The other swimmers were
surprised and some troubled by the fact I chose a
costume instead of a slick-skin swimsuit. It
especially unnerved the husky Eastern Bloc women.
Psychological warfare. Confuse your enemy. Everyone
stared, analyzed, and drew faulty conclusions. But at
the starting gun, my costume slid through the water
effortlessly. Did I mention the frictionless quality
of the costume? The defining moment of gold came, and
the competition was skunked. By making a spectacle of
myself, I had drawn the attention of several terrorist
groups, but it was Ham-assed that sent assassins
first. They were quite surprised that the skunk
costume was impervious to kinetic impacts, I never
felt a thing. After they emptied their weapons at me
fruitlessly, they drew knives and tried stabbing me to
death. Their weapons slipped off my blocks,
knifepoints could not catch on the flexible
frictionless ebony fur, which was like velvet Teflon.
My claws decapitated the first in a blurring slash,
the costume assisting my nervous system, speeding
reflexes. A move or two sufficed for each one. One I
left maimed but alive for questioning. He was
gibbering in fear- the animal costume had spooked the
superstitious fellow. He was convinced I was not
human, but a djinn. He persisted in the trying to
banish me by calling on the spirit of Solomon. After
turning him over for interrogation I was at training
till my orders came through. Most of my time was spent
in the deep underground base. Training, marching,
learning until you are exhausted is a big part of the
unheard of story in the Permanently Costumed. It's
rough at the start; you just have to get used to it.
Adapt and survive. There is a long-term price to be
paid in not being able to change back, you know, like
just take the costume off. At one point I did try but
it would not come off. So I don't try to change my
costume anymore, it simply will not ever come off. The
real pain is the realization as to just how shallow
and so many family relations and friends turned out to
be when my Permanent Costume was revealed. I learned
that most people are much more concerned about
appearances than might be suspected. The fact I am
the same person they always knew under a tight fitting
skunk outfit did not outweigh the stigmata that they
saw in being always in a costume. I was an outcast
from the old family the moment they knew that the
costume was permanent. I had an entire world that
would leave them speechless, and sworn as I was to
secrecy, I could never tell them the truth. Finally I
realized they never did love me. It was my
childhood's end, and the fairy tale my dysfunctional
family wove to cast me, as the black sheep might well
have been another sibling, had I not been born. I had
been their scapegoat, but now I was a skunk, but a
skunk with a mission. Others duped by the military
into donning permanently attaching costumes based on
elusive visitor technology and becoming an unorthodox
enforcement arm shared that mission. Let me tell you
something, there is no defense against unorthodox
tactics. Has something ever caught you by surprise? I
rest my case. Unorthodox tactics make for unusual
friendships also. Take the group leader, Heather,
stuck forever in a sleek lioness costume. I'd follow
her anywhere, the more critical a situation is, with
stress levels high, the stronger and more capable a
leader she becomes. She is also a close friend of
mine. Then there's the major, Milo, who through
eternity wears a bear costume. His is the burden of
leadership and the privilege to serve Lava group. A
large gentleman, he was known to be fast on the draw
with two hand weapons at once in a deadly blurred.
Seldom did he raise his voice, and his patience and
understanding were legendary, but, if he did raise his
voice, people moved. And I count him as a friend of
mine too; the Permanently costumed gives back more
than it takes some times. Not often, you understand,
but enough to be ok, I guess. Going without a lover is
pretty tough on us all, if you were curious. And you
might as well know the inside of the suits is
germicidal and quite sanitary, as we only drink
liquids from time to time. The fabric takes energy
from any radiating source and converts it to cellular
energy, which passes across the inner membrane and is
absorbed by the skin. Makes sense for long journeys
between stars for the elusive visitors. Now you may
ask, how can such untailorable fabric be shaped into a
costume? First, the darn costumes are hatched, and
seem to exist in perfect symbiosis with the wearer.
Exposure to the proximity of an animal cues the suit
to adopt that shape. As to what locks the certain
shape in permanent, well, you better go ask somewhere
else. It definitely confuses the opposition to be
attacked by a menagerie of critters, all of whom had
claws, laser weaponry, and more training than most
people ever dreamed of. The Soviet bloc crumbled not
from within, but had its leaders and top strategists
liquidated by Permanent Costume strike groups. A
coordinated attack by otter and seal girls captured
their biggest submarine base and pointed the missiles
on Soviet cities. The leadership rushed to bunkers and
got wiped out by teams of mole women and gopher girls.
So much for communism, it could not stand up to the
Permanently Costumed. Some things have puzzled me,
such as the very large preponderance of females in the
ranks, and the extreme tightness of their costumes.
Now if you look over there you'll see my pal Heather
in the lioness costume, getting checked out on a
tunnel boring machine, as for me, well, got to go
study up on the permeable barrier in fuel cells. "Go
over their, leave me to my job."
Heather could be seen, a cute blonde in a lioness
costume, drawing nearer it was possible to see her
tugging on a rope, which turned out to be her tail,
stuck in the locked and heavily armored door of the
tunnel borer. "Friggin' tail, always getting slammed
in doors. No way I can pull it out. And the damn door
is locked from the inside, along with the keys. I
can't believe it, I'm stuck and there's nobody around-
hey, you, yeah, mister reader, you, would you go to
the motor pool office and get the spare set of keys,
please? I'm stuck here. Heather squirmed her hips to
illustrate the point, displaying her feline curvature
and batting her dreamy eyes.Her lioness costume was very tight on her body."
C'mon, let me go, please? Hey where are you going?
What do you mean you can not tamper with military
property? Just get the fucking keys! Hey! Hey! Where
you going? Proper channels? That will take forever!"
Even though it was useless, Heather pulled on her
jammed tail. Then she called up the major. "It
happened again, sir. The automatics just seal the door
too fast for my tail to get out of the way, yes sir,
major Milo. Thank you sir." Major Milo soon appeared
with a bundle of some sort. He walked by Heather, who
was pulling again at her stuck tail. He spoke in a
friendly tone; " well you have seen some interesting
things. Things nobody else has seen. Marvels. Now put
this on, recruit." The major tossed a costume at my
feet. It looked like a woodpecker. I was dumbstruck.
A laser pistol was in his hand, aimed at my crotch. "
So are you going to put the suit on, or is there going
to be a weenie roast?" I had to put the thing on; I
looked ridiculous with a bill projecting out of my
forehead and tail feathers. The major laughed and
laughed. He called me Private Woody. I did think itwas all that funny at all.